Todd Cummings Voice Mail on 7.25.07
5 days before filing Eviction Lawsuit

What Todd Cummings did was CRIMINAL. Fully knowing the "Detached Studio" was an illegal property with no permits, he advertised it with Westside Rentals and had me sign a LEASE. He told me he was asking me to move out because he felt like "EXERCISING HIS RIGHTS AS THE OWNER".

On 7.25.07 about a week before he filed the "Unlawful Detainer" to Evict me he left me this message. He offered to "BUY ME OUT" to move out sooner. This was an “offer” so that I won’t take any “ACTION” Against him. He asked me to Pick a Number and I said $5,000 and he said no and filed the Eviction Lawsuit.

I didn't know this property was destroyed in 1995 until AFTER the Case was over. His lawyers, Feldman and El Dabe knew this too but FAILED to disclose this VERY important information to the Judge. These lawyers should be DISBARRED from practicing law. $5,000 is about the correct amount for the 3 months of rent plus deposit and "Relocation Fee" that he as the owner was OBLIGATED by LAW to pay me. He did none of these things. Todd Cummings needs to be ARRESTED and JAILED for FRAUDULENCE and I’m sure many other PENAL CODES.

7.25.07 Voice Mail

Lawyers who should be Disbarred

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