Why is this Shopping Center complex called Town and COUNTRY CENTER? Because this is a MICRO of the MACRO of the ENTIRE “CUNT REEEE” of United States built in for P “US” SY, PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH. Built Going BACKwards through Business Names, Numbers, Colors, etc, in a ASS PUSSY Conspiracy, built through Constance Pecoraro's JESUS CHRIST “CHA”RLIES FIND” OO. Reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”.

Where ever you are in United States, or in the WORLD, where there is a Cvs Pharmacy or a ROSS, or a KM”ART”, see what else is around it. It'll be EXACTLY as I am describing it “THROUGH” Los Angeles, which is where it's the most detailed, because it's about meaning of My Name SIGNature on my ART from1981 of Robert 'GU IL' LA U ME.

LA, Los Angeles where My family lived for a short time in 1979 before moving to NYC.

They have built as if Sandra OH is My IDENTITY from BIRTH, through Childhood, through my TEEN “YOUTH” Years, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK. All built through Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find, reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey's Anatomy”.

Oil and WATER don't mix, like these psychobitches and I don't mix. It's been difficult trying to make MY WATERCOLOR ART, “FIT” into what they've already built through OIL ART by Psycho PECORARO in a GROUP CONSPIRACY of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT, spanning 3 decades, and including the SAME CORE GROUP of PEOPLE.

Halloween is on October 31st, and through the word PUMP”KIN”, they are creating meaning as if Sandra OH is My Identity, My Name SIGNature on MY ART of “SANDY”, as if it's the “NIIK” of her name, Going Backwards.

It's about My Pictures in 1984 with a friend name Xanny “FER”nandez, and pictures of us with “RA”ge”DY” and AN”DY”, at a PumpKIN Farm we visisted. So because we are in a picture with a COSTUME of “RA”ge”DY” Andy worn by someone, Sand”RA” OH Is My IDENTITY and Name of San”DY”. It's PSYCHOTIC, but this is the WAY how they have built as if Sand”RA” OH Is My Identity and Artist of My Artwork for 3 decades.

Everything is STILL about meaning of My FIRST ARTWORK COLLECTION from 1981 and 1982 and the MEANING of My Name SIGNature on My Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME, who was BENSON DU”BO”IS the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show in 1980.

This drawing is the reason why First BLACK President OBAMA became the “44”th PresiDENT, connected to SANDRA OH who's been claiming she DREW my “DRA”wing of Robert Guillaume through her SCHOOL Name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN. What does SCHOOL Names have anything to do with my Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK? Nothing, it's to make it 'FIT”, to ROB MY IDENTITY, MY LIFE, MY ART, through “Words of Objects, Words of Color, NUMBERS, Codes, Etc”, like coded meaning of B”L”ACK CO”LOR” S”KIN”, for SANDRA OH.

Sandra OH who was on tv show “ARLI$$” as Rita WU in the late 1990's, on H “BO”, $$=44, is the REASON why this RAPING ROBBING SICK DERANGED NIGGER BECAME THE PRESIDENT, “THROUGH” The RAPING and ROBBING of MY LIFE and MY ARTWORK. SHONDA LYNN RHIMES is from CHICAGO ILLINOIS, like the OBAMAS. Shonda Rhimes created “GREYS ANATOMY” in 2005, and this was the CONNECTING LINK, of PAVING THE WAY of this CRIMINAL and LIAR, who became the PresiDENT, through RAPING and ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY ART and M YLIFE for SANDRA OH.

If you read about meaning of MY Korean Name, and connections to George WASHINGTON, you'll understand why PRESI”DENT”s are connected to this.

During this raping robbing nigger's Presidency in the WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS” ANATOMY”, they ROBBED EVERYTHING FROM ME, through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES”. SHONDA RHIMES, NIKKI “G”RIMES, in a BLACK COLOR S”KIN” conspiracy. PREMEDITATED, like how this sick nigger became the Presi”DENT”. He has a FRAUDULENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE and a FRAUDULENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, and if it was anyone else, they'd be in PRISON. EVERYTHING about these sick “PAC”hyderm is thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” NIGGERS in US GOVERNMENT, is about RAPING and ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE, for SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, as if Sandra OH was My Identity attending my CATHOLIC SCHOOLS in 1980's in NYC.

So this is one way how they LINK it and create meaning. Through “HO”Liday of “HO”L”LOW”een, and “RA”ge”DY” An”DY”, and the W.O.R.D. Pump”KIN”, they are ROBBING MY NAME SIGNature on MY ARTWORK from 1981 drawing of Robert Guillaume, as if My name of “SAN DY” is the “NIK” name of SANDRA OH, in a BLACK and YEL”LOW” S”KIN” Conspiracy connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and the birth of his SON JACOB WOLF in Seattle WASHINGTON.

Greys Anatomy, SHONDA LYNN RHIMES, is the “Connecting Link” of “GA” Government Agencies, like “AG” Attorney Generals in US Government. Ka”MAL”a HAR.RIS, Eric “HO”lder who is married to ShaRON “MAL”one, “MAL”ia Obama. PAC hyderm is thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” FUCKING NIGGERS.

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