Lights Over Paris Music

Sandy Wang’s Dubbed X Rated VIDEO RECORDING
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in a CIRCLE “O”

KEY HOLE Connections



Lights Over Paris. This music band is about the name PecorarO going backwards, for Tom Bridges his “L”eo with PecorarO over the GOLDen GAYte Bridge to Bridgeway Sausalito.

Their Website is LAVENDER PURPLISH, because it’s about the Lavender color LINKS of MY Website. It’s about MY Watercolor titled “PURPLE MOON”. It’s about MY Rubber Toy color “PURPLISH FUSCIA” from the Video Recording.

LOP is about MY LP “173” Leadership Training, they want My LIFE EXPERIENCES to have meaning for and BE Connie Pecoraro’s. Why doesn’t this sick bitch GO and LIVE the SAME EXPERIENCES? Precisely because she is a Disturbed sick bitch, a REAL LIFE PARASITE. And the people who support her are doing it because they’ve been building this for 3 decades, supported by TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER FOURTH. EIFFEL TOWER is where Tom Cruise proposed to Katie Holmes.

LIGHT is about the 3AR sound of Cellu LITE, as in OIL BLUBBER. ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges His LEO with Connie Pecoraro’s “OIL” Paintings in a Big Ass Conspiracy. Tom Bridges EARth Virgo the Mai”DEN” through MOUTHS. He must be bridging CATHoLICK MATheMAThics of LIQing ASS.

They want MY Watercolor painting titled “LIGHT” on MY Abstract page with the FOOT on the BOX to BE Connie Pecoraro. Because this drawing was Originally done on a HO riz ON tal Legal Pad, they want “Going Backwards” to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro, so No Sandra Patricia Oh licking Connie Maria Pecoraro “Backwards”. They want the X rated dubbed Video Recording of My Wet Vagina to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ “OO”. Connie PECORARO is a PSYCHO, Confused and Delusional sick Italian bitch from East Bay Oakland, who they found because she has a “NAME” That FITS TOM’S GAYme. Everything about Connie Pecoraro is a FRAUD and her Artwork is a “FRONT” for a Brothel on Bridgeway, a Prostitution Ring.

Their LOGO sign looks like the ARCHITECTURAL “AZTEC” Design, in the “KEY HOLE Connections”. The Building of Buildings with SPECIFIC Archtectural Designs is connected to MY Architectural Design from my FAC in 1982. This is about the WRITINGS I WROTE in 1982 about Lee Harcourt Montgomery “KEY to my Soul”. They want my FAC from 1982 and my Writings to have been DONE by Connie Maria Pecoraro, Tom Cruise Mapother FOURth’s Puppet to the World with Kati E HOL Me s, KE HOL me, in their CAT HOL ic Church Theme of are you “PI”ous and Horney to make Money.

Whats been going on in FRANCE is connected to the childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my dog FRENCHY and my Mother. It’s what Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST on Page “SAM”= 3 is based on, for 3AR sound of words, and for number “3” to be the shape of Ass. “300”.

It’s about my experience working for a FRENCH Company “CLUB MED” in 1992 and all the FRENCH People I met while working there. The people who work at Club Med are called “GO”s “Gentile Organizseurs”, and because Connie Pecoraro is a Vir”GO”, she wants my “GO” Experience to BE HERS.

The President of France is NIColas SarkozY, NIC name of “SandY”. Tom Bridges the fag “DEN”tist bridges Connie Maria Pecoraro who is a EARTH Virgo the Mai”DEN” with Presi”DEN”ts, Stu”DEN”ts at Schools and all “DEN”tal patients, and any word that has this syllable.

NIColas S”AR”KozY is about combining my name of SandY with Sand”RA” OH. Sandra Oh wants my CLUB MED experience to have meaning for her too, it’s why she loves the color OG, Olive Green.

MUSIC and Musicians creating meaning for CONNIE PECORARO and Her JESUS CHRIST JOSH WOLF is huge because MY FATHER was a Gifted MUSician and a TEAcher. It’s the reason why Connie Pecoraro modeled for a Ford “MUS”tang Car. Cha in Korean means Car and Tea.

Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me of “8/13” Leo, bridges KINGS of LEON, as if through this Music Band’s Name and their Music, Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf aka Crown goes on the Head of a “KING” Jesus Christ, MY SIGN of LEO, MY Artwork and MY name of WANG which means KING has meaning for them.

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