HENDRIX and “HA” ALLADYCE 1872 on Beverly Blvd
Domi NICK’S next to Jerr Y’S and across from Cedars Sinai Hospital

VIDEO of this corner

meaning of Rich”ARD” BACH, L”ARD” is OIL goes on CANVAS and “RHYMES” with NAVAS
DIRECTLY connected to meaning of “SEA AIR” connections
DIRECTLY connected to snake S”KIN” BELOIT, D”ARI” of SANDRA OH for Los An”GEL”es, SANDRA OH is “SOL” mate with JOSH WOLF, reason for RAPING MY LIFE
JOSH WOLF loves his Drin”KIN” “SHO”es

NICK of Formal Names connections

Tom BRIDGES birthday of 8/13 and 1972?

JERRY SEINFELD, ear sound of SIGN Feld

8721, what’s missing?
What is Tom BRIDGES YEAR of Birth? 19”72”?
then his full birthday would be 8/13/72
what’s missing? THREE, for Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find on page “SAM” = 3

Tom BRIDGES birthday of 8/13 and 1972?
TOM BRIDGES Lying sociopath fag in San Francisco

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic theme OIL Artwork and Jesus CHRIST CHARLIE on page “3”
8/13 Repeating Numbers



Tom Bridges meaning of My Parents with WOLF and PECORARO, and My Identity with SANDRA OH
for all my BABY Pictures to BE SANDRA OH, AS IF she was MY IDENTITY and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK


SEPT born VIR”GO” Mai”DEN” Constance Maria Pecoraro
meaning of Psycho Constance Pecoraro’s NO NAME GIRL

SEPulveda Blvd and WESTWOOD GATEWay
DIRECTLY connected to “GREY’S Anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON, understand REAL LIFE connections of NAMES, and FELIZ NaviDAD meaning of Shonda Rimes
created by “CAP”riCORN Shonda LYNN Rhimes born in CHICA”GO”

and real life Borderline Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH who thinks she is My Identity


meaning of “FUR”nature Business and HOSPI “TAL” ITY Businesses in MATHemathics of making MONEY
Constance Pecoraor’s OIL ART CathoLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY

SON Constance Pecoraro’s OIL ART of JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rlie
GRAY reason why SANDRA OH is ‘CHRIST’ina Yang on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

= SANDRA OH 1999 PEPSI PUSSY “GRAY SON” connections

Discovery of
Josh Wolf wife Bethan “ASH TON” connections


CAP ital. Grille in the distance
new HOORAY HENRYS in Oct 2013



FUR is "TAL" in Korean, TAL is animal H"AIR", Muhri is Human Hair

Sandy Wang's "L"etter "C" shape H"AIR" in 1984 and in 2006
Judges Name meaning

HOS pi "TAL" connections

GRAY Building in the distance is new “RH” FURniture Store


H"AIR" is EAR sound of H ARE is a RABBIT

“RH” connections to “RABBIT HOLE” and SANDRA OH

GEORGE Burns road
GEORGE W “ASH” ing “TON” connections in ROBBING MY Korean Name of Wang “SIN” WON, connected to this Hospital
Connected to GREYS ANATOMY Tv show set in Sesattle WASHINGTON,
connected to JOSH WOLF and Bethan “ASH TON”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH
this is WHY Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST on “PAGE 3” is connected to GEORGE “C” PAGE
Sandy Wang’s Korean name of “SIN” WON

Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST on “PAGE 3” and GEORGE “C” PAGE connections
Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST “CHA”ries Find
reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GREYS Anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON
Seattle W “ASH” ing “TON”, is where JACOB WOLF was born, Josh and Bethany “ASH TON”

DIRECTLY connected to CSH, Cedars SINai Hospital entrance on Beverly Drive


Hendrix and Allardyce. ‘HA’ and the address numbers “8721”.

HEN is a CHIC”KEN” like a Rooster. Chicken is a BIRD. KEN spelled backwards is “NECK”. NECK is the THROAT, as in “SUC” Deep Throat AIR Libra Josh Wolf Stand Up Comedian. TOM Bridges all “BRID”ges and BRIDges, because it’s in his name. BIRDs that Fly in ‘AIR’ with T”OO” WINGS, Upper Arm Body.

LARD is OIL as in “GREASE”. GREECE. GRACE. Hail Mary Full of Grace.

HA, Tom BRIDGES birthday of 8/13/72, Bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” Artwork of Jesus CHRIST on page “3”. 8721, what’s missing? “THREE” the “CODE”.

GREASE is L “ARD”, in LEONARDO DA Vinci Code of Dan Brown, in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making MONEY, through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork, the vehicle created to ROB the meaning of my Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 with two “OO”. The REASON why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST has “OO” Eyes. The REASON why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GREY”S Anatomy”.

GREASE is LARD as in OIL, and it sounds like the country of GREECE. The REASON why SANDRA OH was married to Greek film director name CAP Constantine Alexander Payne, the director of “SIDEWAYS”, made to ROB the meaning of My First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME From 1981, the letter “S” Signed SIDEWAYS making a Horizontal “OO” number Eight. SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROB”ART” BORDEN High School has been claiming for 3 decades she “DREW” this drawing, Past Tense.

GREASE, sound of “GRACE” connected to GRACE CATHE”DRA”L on JONES Street in San Francisco, in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making MONEY through very Pious PYous JeSUS lovers and worshippers. The REASON why “GREY”S Anatomy” is set in fictional hospital name Seattle “GRACE” Mercy West Hospital.

GREASE, as in LARD and OIL, sound of GRACE, is connected to MY CATHOLIC School classmate name GRACE NAVAS. “GN”. OIL Art goes on CANVAS and “RIMES” with NAVAS. State of “Washington” “WA” on the Upper Left + GN = WANG. Sandra OH who says she was born in “OT TO WA” Canada thinks my Korean Name of “WANG” has meaning for her. This is one of the reasons why Constance Pecoraro created her “No Name Girl”. NO “NG”. It’s about creating meaning Going BACKwards through the word “NO”. Going BACKwards in TOM BRIDGES his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” in A HUGE OIL BLUBBER ASS CONSPIRACY.

In Order for MY IDENTITY and Meaning of MY ARTWORK, to BE SANDRA OH, she NEEDS BOTH Tom Bridges who has the same LEO Birthday as me, and Constance Pecoraro’s No Name Girl, sketches, created as if I have no name, but MY NAME has meaning for SANDRA OH through Words, Numbers, “CODES”, other people’s names, etc.

Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie’s Find, titled this, connected to meaning of MY FATHERS IDENTITY, NAME and his Music Band from the 50’s “MORNING STARS”. For my Father’s Identity to have meaning for JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, AIR Libra. My Father Musician was also a “TEA”CHER, and the word TEACHER is about “TEA”, which in Korean is ‘CHA’, and “CHA” in Korean also means the word for CAR. There are many words in the Korean language that have 2 or more meanings, it depends on the “Context” you use it in, that will define what the word means.

It’s titled this connected to meaning of MY CHILDHOOD Pictures with ‘DOGS’ and Meaning of MY CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY “DOG” BANK.

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork Catholic Theme of Mother MARY and SON JESUS CHRIST, the reason why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

Next to DOMI”NICK”S which has been here for decades, in fact it says on the door it was established in 19”48”. For who? For What? For “EIGHT”. “OO”. Connected to meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on My Drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, to be the “NICK” name of SANDRA OH, AS IF she is My Identity and the Artist of my Artwork. Across the street from Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital, because they’ve been building for 3 decades for MY Korean Name of “SIN WON” to be SANDRA OH. Like my name WANG. DomiNICK, the reason why

This is one of the many Businesses that’s been around for decades, BEFORE My FAC in 1981, that “FIT” so they KEPT IT, and changed around it, what didn’t to make it fit. Like Jerr”Y’S”, next to MacY”S, all connected to Gre Y’S anatomy, in MAThemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra OH is My First Name SIGNature of “S AND Y”. SY. YS. What’s left. “DAN” Brown LEOnardo DA vinci Code, the REASON why SHO”nda” RIMES created “GreY’S anatomy” to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of My First Name SIGNature on MY PRICELESS ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH.

EVERYTHING about ME and MY LIFE, MY ARTWORK, in a span of 3 decades, has been DISSECTED, Ripped apart, and then Rearranged to “FIT” SANDRA OH. Same thing for LEE MONT”GO” MERRY CHRISTMas name, for his Identity to have meaning for Josh Wolf through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST born on “12/25” Christmas Day. “CD” connected to CALLON DRIVE TOPANGA, a very important address that TIES TOGETHER 3 DECADES, connected to meaning of MY FAC from 1981 and MY Intellectual Property as in “WRITINGS”, all connected to LEE HARCOURT MONTGOMERY.

The REASON for 2 decades of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE.

ALL”ARD”YCE. My family moved to Los Angeles in 1979 from Seoul South Korea, then shortly after we moved to NEW YORK CITY where I spent the next 20 years of my life, before moving to California as an Adult in 1999. In 1979, My First SCHOOL I was enrolled in New York City was name SACRED HEART, and my homeroom class teacher was name Mrs “ARD”en.

There is a street name “ARDEN” Place next to ROSSMORE Avenue in Hollywood. This street leads down to CREN”SHAW” Blvd, where for 3 decades, they’ve been “SYN”CHRONIZING and BIULDING for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, and for My Parents Names to have meaning for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO, through her CATHOLIC Theme “OIL” Artwork.

Constance Pecoraro EARTH VIR”GO” SIGN born on LABOR Day weekend on SEPtember 1st, 1969, sam year as me. Connected to MY Childhood pictures in SANTA MONICA in 1979 and YELLOW “VIRGO” SIGN on the WALL.

SEPulveda Blvd is a major street in Los Angeles, and Westwood Gateway on SEPulveda Blvd, is all connected to MAThemathics of making MONEY, AS IF Sandra OH was MY IDENTITY, all my baby and childhood pictures, AS IF She is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, connected to tv show “GREY”S ANATOMY” which is filmed a few blocks away nearby at SEPulveda VA hospital.

HENDRIX and ALLARDYCE. HENDRIX, like “JIMMY HENDRIX” the BLACK male Rock and Roll Musician from the 60’s. JH. This is connected to meaning of MY “JH” John Hancock, My Name SIGNature on my drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 which I drew while growing up in JH, JACKSON HEIGHTS NY with “11372” very important ZIP CODE numbers.

HA, this is connected to a guy name PETER “HA” SON who is in the Business of MUSIC, who I met while I was in High School in the mid 1980’s. His entire life connected to MUSIC is about Tom Bridges meaning of My Father’s Identity, and his Music Band from 1950’s called “MORNING STARS” through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’.

My First Name SIGNature, My “JOHN HANCOCK”, sound of HAN, HAND, in Spanish is MANOS.

“HA” nd in Spanish is Ma”NOS”. PETER HA”SON” has been SYNCHRONIZING every step of TOM BRIDGES My First Name SIGNature of “Sandy” on My ARTWORK, through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the “SON”. He bridges meaning of My Father’s MUSIC Band “MORNING STARS” with all STARS and CELEBRITIES including Musicians, connected to MY First Artwork Collection from 1981. It isn’t that Tom “Bridges” and “OM”s, in WOLF and PECORARO “Role Playing”. It’s actually REAL LIFE, ROBBING and RAPING of meaning of MY SACRED ARTWORK, like MY “LOCK and KEY” Paintings connected to My DOG JACK’S Pictures. SAME PATTERNS repeating for 3 decades the REASON why over 250 pieces of my Priceless Artwork with my Dog JACK and my Toyota RAV4L was STOLEN in 2009, through ORGANIZED WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES”.

Shonda “RIMES” big sick black bitch who created the HOSPITAL Show “Grey’s Anatomy”, DIRECTLY connected to CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, across the street from Hendrix and Allardyce.

THE REASON for the horrific FINANCIAL CRISIS that is never ending, because everything they BUILT is built on LIES and FRAUD. CON ARTIST and FRAUD Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme OIL Artwork, created to ROB the meaning of My Name SIGNature and meaning of My FAC from 1981. Because they are trying to make MY Second Artwork Collection from 2004-2007 of WATERCOLOR ARTWORK “FIT” into what they ALREADY BUILT, based on Constance Pecoraro’s OIL and Glass ARTWORK in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making MONEY. In GROUP CONSPIRACY.

WATER and OIL don’t Mix, like sick borderline psychotic sick crazy bitches PECORARO OH and I don’t mix.

HA LLARD yce, HALYARD is a ROPE on a BOAT, usually a Sail Boat with lots of rigging. B”OAT” is connected to meaning of My FATHER’s Middle name of BAE which means P3AR and BOAT, to be about TOM BRIDGES horny HOR DIK JESUS CHRIST OIL ARTWORK, with his Gay LEO and 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKwards in P3AR OIL LOW HANGING ASS Conspiracy. Tom Bridges is a GAY MALE dentist who fucks Asssholes. The REASON why there are so many CHOCHA PUSSY connections.

7 inch DIK JOSH WOLF in P3AR b”OAT” ASS in 3AR sound of words, to have meaning in MY Parents Names, 7/3 is TOM CRUISE “SHIP BOAT” Canoe, Birthday numbers. TOM Bridges is a Gay Male.

Tom Bridges Horny Jesus CHRIST with “OIL” Artwork with BLUBBER OIL ASSES. WATER and OIL don’t mix, like PSYCHOBITCHES PECORARO OH and I don’t mix. Jesus CHRIST isn’t my Artwork and ANATOMY isn’t my fucking tv show. They are the REASONS for the RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK and MY DOG JACK.

LOW LOW LOW FLYING AIRPLANE, BLOW “AIR” into CL “ARI” NET, for CL”ARI”TY PARTNERS in “CHARLES PONZI”, CP CONSTANCE PECORARO’S CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK in MATHemathics of making MONEY. It’s the “INSIDE JOB” by CHARLES FERGUSON “CF” the reason behind the FINANCIAL CRISIS in this country. Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes. It’s about “FORM” as in My First Name SIGNature of “Sandy” with “OO”.

TOM BRIDGES CATHO”LICK” MAThemathics of LICKing BALLS as in “FOOT”, you know sometimes words have two meanings. AIR GEMINI Peter Hason, “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf, Tom BRIDGES the DENTist, bridges Gay Ass and BALL is ‘FOOT’, Licking through SHONDA RIMES of D “ART” MOUTH College. BLOW JOBBING.

Get the Magnifying Glass, with Eye on “O” of my pencil drawing from 1981 of ROBERT GUILLAUME, that Sandra OH has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW, and for “OO” of My Name SIGNature to be the FORM of her ASS, the REASON why Sandra OH got Plastic Ass Implants and the REASON for YEARS of STALKING of MY LIFE by crazy sick psychobitches with big OIL Blubber asses. SANDRA OH is a sick Gay Psychobitch CathoLICKING GLORIA MARIA Ass and Pussy “O*O” through SHONDA RIMES Big Black Pussy LIPS.

OO it’s the FORM of HANDCUFFS that go on C H=OO RISTS.


LEE MONTGOMERY childhood movie, MRS “ALLARDYCE” Handicap Chair in “BO” BURNT OFFERING movie from 1975

L”ARD” is Grease as in OIL and it BURNS with FIRE 1981 “QUEST for FIRE”

“BO” Burnt Offering BARACK OBAMA Criminal Fraud

“NE”w “GRO”wth of “GREEN” connections in AP Alan Parson’s Project of “RG Robert Guillaume Raping Games”


T”HO” MAS ALLARDYCE, looks a lot like HENRY THOMAS, who was E”LIO”T in the 1980 movie “ET” Extra Terrestrial by Stephen Spielberg,
Stephen Spielberg, gave money to CSH, and they have his name on the building

Sept 2013 new private ultra expensive club “HOORAY HENRYS” next to Dominicks

WANG in Korean means “KING”

WANG in Korean is KING and written in Korean Characters looks like “TO TO”
Sandy Wang’s LEO Birthday of 8/13

KING connections
‘NIK’ connections through S”KIN”
PAchyderm means thick S”KIN” mam”MAL”

SANDRA OH who says she was born in “OT TO WA” Canada, what’s missing? “NG”


I wrote the above paragraph writings in 2011, and in late 2012, I discovered the name of Thomas Allardyce, which FITS PERFECTLY into everything I’ve been writing about, because it’s TRUE.

Discovery of owner of Hendrix ALLARDYCE Antique “FUR”niture Business, THOMAS ALLARDYCE. A world renowned Interior De”SIGN”ner, who’s been in the Business long time, long before meaning of MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982. Then EVERYONE name “THOMAS” got into THOMAS “CHRIST”O”PHER” FUR BRIDGES, meaning of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is My Identity in my childhood “CHRISTMAS” Picture of me and my mother in 1980 and my dog Frenchy, THROUGH the vehicle of Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork.

So while THOMAS ALLARDYCE, interior DE “SIGN”ER, has nothing to do with MY IDENTITY or MY ARTWORK, through THOMAS CHRIST O “FUR” BRIDGES meaning of MY Parents Names, MY IDENTITY, and Meaning of MY NAME SIGNature on MY ARTWORK, to be SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ARTWORK, in “MATH”emathics of making MONEY, he’s been making Money through this meaning for many years.

T”HO” MAS CHRIST o PHER BRIDGES, who has the same LEO Birthday as me, “Bridges” MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY Name SIGNature, for SANDRA OH, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s L”ARD” as in OIL Artwork of her CATHOLIC THEME paintings, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK from 1981, to have been DONE by either herself or by SANDRA OH. It is WHY SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on hospital tv show “Greys Anatomy” which is DIRECTLY connected to this real life Hospital.

T “HO” MAS CHRIST o “FUR” BRIDGES. Jesus CHRIST was born on CHRIST”MAS”. SAM in Korean means number “3”, THREE, the reason why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST is on page “3”. Through Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlie’s Eyes “OO”, SANDRA OH who went to “SIR” Robert Borden High School has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawings from 1981.

FUR in Korean language is “TAL”, which is H”AIR”. FUR is about the CONI “FUR” TREE in MY Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture in 1980 from JACKSON Heights NY, that SANDRA OH thinks is HER, reason why she is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, and the REASON why MY DOG JACK was STOLEN in 2009, through Organized CRIMES.

FUR is “TAL” in Korean, connected to MY CATHOLIC High School name of St “VINCENT” “FER”RER, that SANDRA OH thinks has meaning for her, connected to SAN VICENTE Blvd in Los Angeles. This is WHY Constance Pecoraro created her CATHOLIC Theme Oil Artwork, it’s to support and help in ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY meaning of MY John Hancock on MY ART, FOR SANDRA OH.

FUR is “TAL”, reason why Greys Anatomy is set on “TALL”Man Avenue in Seattle Washington. FUR is TAL, and TOM CHRISTo”FUR” Bridges who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges MY Parents Names, My Mother wearing a “FOX FUR COAT” with I “TAL” IAN Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro. Because I “TAL” Y has the syllable of “FUR”. THIS IS WHAT THIS SICK RAPING TV SHOW IS ABOUT, it’s about MATHemathics of making MONEY, AS IF MY Parents were JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO and MY IDENTITY was SANDRA OH. It’s Called FUCKING IDENTITY THEFT in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, both are which extremely serious CRIMES.

His name is connected to the meaning of RICH”ARD” is L”ARD” BACH, in creating meaning Going BACKWards, for Thomas CHRISTOPHER Bridges his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” ART by Pecoraro, in ROBBING MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” for SAN”DRA” OH. OO going BACKwards is ASS CONSPIRACY through JESUS CHRIST Eyes of “OO” on page “3”.

HO”BAK” in Korean is pump”KIN”, a family of the gou”ARD”, for SAN”DRA” OH Is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” made with letter S of my name, reason why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST has “OO” Eyes, and the reason why SANDRA OH is Doctor “CHRIST”ina Yang on Greys Anatomy, tv show DIRECTLY connected to this real life Hospital CEDARS “SIGN EYE” Hospital across the street from this Furniture business. Cedars “SIN”Ai Hospital logo of “OO”.

Meaning of the syllable of “ARD” goes back 3 decades to 1980, of SANDY WANG’s Catholic School “SACRED HEART” in NYC and Mrs. “ARD”en class. Then I had a Catholic school classmate name name CHRISTINA BERN “ARD O”, OH “DRA” BACKwards. AS IF pictures of me in all my CATHOLIC SCHOOLS is SANDRA OH, through Constance Maria Pecoaro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork and her disturbing pedophilish sketches of her “NO NAME GIRL”, created as if ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES that they’ve BUILT IS SANDRA OH. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT.

FORM of “OO” HC, Hand Cuffs go on RISTS. “RIS”T for SANDRA OH who went to SIR Robert Borden High School in CAN”ADA”, whos’ been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981. Same sick raping pattern 3 decades later, for SANDRA OH is MY PORTrait Drawing I drew in 2006, the REASON why it was STOLEN through Organized C”RIMES” in 2009.

This is WHY “GREYS ANATOMY” was created, by Big Black ugly bitch SHONDA LYNN RHIMES, who went to D ART MOUTH college, and created this SHOW to ROB MY IDENTITY, Seattle GRACE Mercy West Hospital, on “TAL”man Avenue, GRACE, GREASE, OIL goes on CANVAS and “RHIMES” with GRACE NAVAS “GN”, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in 1985 with my CATHOLIC School classmate name GRACE NAVAS, like ALL Pictures of me. Greys Anatomy fake tv show is connected to REAL LIFE Businesses, and REAL LIFE HOSPITAL, CEDARS “SIN” AI HOSPITAL, sound of “SIGN EYE”, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and Name SIGNature on MY ART, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY LEO Birthday, through THOMAS CHIRSTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same Birthdate as me. This is why the new SCRUB Clothing company of “GREYS ANATOMY” SIGNature SERIES came out in 2012, connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK in MATHEmathics of making MONEY AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of my ARTWORK, neither of which is true, and BOTH which are CRIMES as in IDENTITY THEFT and ART THEFT.

OO see West”KNOLL” and R”OS”ewood, Jesus CH”RIST” Oil Art isn’t my Artwork. HC go on RIST, and then you get “LOK” in Jail, N is for “NOR”TH Going BACKwards. This is why they are creating meaning through FASHION, with HOrizONtal Lines, is built in Left to Right, as if it’s NO “OH” Backwards. Why don’t you go to “NOR”th “HO”llywood, EVERYTHING is built in Going BACKwards, for SANDRA “OH” going BACKwards, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, as if her ASS FORM of “OO” Is the LOCK to MY “KEY” Painting which was STOLEN In 2009 with MY DOG JACK. RAPING OF MY LOCK and KEY, for sick RAPISTS WOLF and OH, DICK and PUSSY.



Dominicks restaurant/bar has been at this location for many years, their address is "8715". The BAR Next door with their strange "secret coded" message address is "8713". 8/13 is MY Birthday. It’s one of the places they KEPT through the years because it “FIT”. They added Jerr Y’S and Mac Y’S, so that my first name SIGNature of “SandY*” on the drawing of Robert Guillaume on BENSON, with Horizontal Eight of “OO” made with the letter “S”, can be Sand”RA” OH, as the “Nick” name of SandRA.

This restaurant/bar is across the street from CEDAR SINAI HOSPITAL which is built for MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to have been DONE BY SANDRA OH AS IF she was MY IDENTITY. This is why her PUBLICIST was name DOMINICK and MARSHA McMANUS. The address of 8715 is about the meaning of MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER of "078". "15" is the letter "O" in the alphabet and SANDRA OH wants MY Korean Name and MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS TO BE HER. They've been building this Los Angeles for 3 decades.

Like Sandra Oh wanting my childhood pictures in Korean to BE HER because I am wearing Red SHOrts and Red SHOes, through the word HOSpital and their Logo of overlapping “OO”, they want my Identity, Name SIGNature and Artwork to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, AS IF she was my Identity.

They began creating through HOSpitals and Cedars SINai Hospital since the 80’s after I did my FAC in 1982, for MY IDENTITY to have meaning for SANDRA “OH”, through the word HOSpital. One of Sandra Oh’s publicists early in her Acting Career was name DOMINICK, because Sandra Oh wants My name of “SANDY” Nick of SandRA, to BE HER because of my SIGNature on the drawing I did of Benson Dubois, of black male actor ROBERT Guillaume, it’s the REASON why SANDRA OH went to Sir ROBERT Borden High School in Canada, where she did a school project with STYROFOAM CUPS.

8715 Beverly Blvd is Dominicks Address. 8701 is Jerry’s address next door. I don’t know what this address of 8713 is, but it’s NEW created in either 2008 or 2009, and it’s my birthday numbers of “8/13” Repeating Numbers in addresses. 8 is about this number written horizontally “OO”, which is about my First name SIGNature on Benson drawing, one of the many reasons why Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ has Horizontal “OO” Rings around his Eyes, and the 713 is about my Leadership Training LP “173”, which was the beginning of creating meaning THROUGH MY LIFE EXPERIENCES, for Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Church theme to have meaning in MY FAC from 1982.

SANDRA OH also wants people to think she is MY IDENTITY in this Training, and Los Angeles has been building it AS IF SHE WAS, through Mother Connie Pecoraro’s OIL paintings of Catholic Church theme and her “No Name Girl”. SANDRA OH wants people to think the CARDS were written to Her, because the word C”ARD” has part of her name San”DRA” in it backwards. Like the word “DRA”wings.

There is an AMPERSAND symbol of &, mixed with the symbol for MUSIC SCALES. This is about several things. It’s about My Father’s Identity as a Gifted MUSICIAN and Teacher, the reason why Sandra Oh was dating a Musician name ANDREW FeATHERSTON, because through other people’s names, she wants to be the Artist who “DREW” the Drawings, and she wants My FATHER to have meaning for her. This design has a DOT, LIPS and what looks like Eye LASHES which is H”AIR”. This is about creating meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, which ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges with my Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture, and the meaning of my FAC from 1982 which is about GAY MALE SEX, the reason why there are these LIPS. They began creating with the meaning of SOUND Of words because my name SIGNature on BENSON has an “ASS”terisk symbol of *, and this looks like an ASS HOLE, so they are trying to make it about Je”SUS” is horney for PUSSY LIPS.

Ampersand is number “7”, and this is about my Watercolor painting titled “UNTITLED” on MY ABSTRACT Page. It’s about the 7th Building with the “O” and a TRI “3” angle inside the circle. They want this to be about “7” inch DICK JOSH WOLF getting his DICK SUCKED by LIPS. Eye LASH is about Ma”RIA” as in Connie Ma”RIA” Pecoraro who wants her middle name to have meaning through the word H”AIR”, for AIR LIBRA Josh Wolf. They want MY Portrait drawing HAIR Numbers of C=3 and 8, to have meaning for MA”RIA”s middle name because her Jesus Christ is based on my Childhood CHRISTMAS picture with the SAME numbers “3 OO” on the Tree Trimming. Based on this childhood picture, it’s a GAY ASS and BALLS.

The DOT is about the meaning of PERIOD. When you get your period, you BLEED, and they want this to be about Blood that fills a Hard Dick.

This meaning of the AMPERSAND symbol is the reason why TOM BRIDGES hired his lawyer name ROBERT AMPARAN in 2008, to Falsely accuse me, to get a Restraining Order, when Tom Bridges is in on this, TO ROB MY IDENTITY, because he has the same birthday as me. ALL OF TOM BRIDGES POLICE REPORTS ARE FRAUD DOCUMENTS BECAUSE HE LIED TO THE POLICE.

My Social Security Numbers of “078” connected to AMPER “SAND” in between Domi”NICKS” and JerrY”S, is about a SEVEN & inch Hor Dick JOSH WOLF, licking fucking a “O” is a HOLE, in “OO” shaped OIL BLUBBER ASSES. For meaning of my first name SIGNature on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982.

This is why the NUMBER of “JB _ 2078” is on the picture of him and his WiFEY, which is a title of a book by JU”DY” BLUME, who also wrote a book titled “BLUBBER”. This is one of the reasons why Josh Wolf went to Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio Texas, with SAN and this “DY”, he can have meaning in MY First name SIGNature and my SIGN of LEO, through a sick lying fag name TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me.

The “UN” DER Score symbol is about the meaning of j”UN”g d”UN”g, Korean word which means ASS, because my First name “Sandy *” has an ASSterisK symbol, the number “OO” Key.


Video of CORNER INTERSECTION of SVB x BB “86” and “300”

300 meaning

Philip “PAT”EK Watch Ad in 2013, next to Jerr Y’S restaurant
Ge “AR Y’S”, for Sand”RA” OH is My Name SIGNature of “Sand Y”, connected to “Gre Y’S Anatomy”
Like YARIS CARS, GRAY and YARD, any word with “RA” and “Y” as if SANDRA OH is MY Name of “SAND Y”

Elbow Knee Sandy Wang’s picture on “TREE” in 2007, “Knee Elbow” “KE”, “PAT” EK

Cedars “SIGN” Eye Hospital real life Hospital
next to CAPITAL GRILLE restaurant and “OWB” BANK
JOSH WOLF and meaning of BLACK “SKIN”

DIRECTLY connected to Fake Hospital tv show “Gre Y’S anatomy
Gre Y’S is about Kid Ne “Y’S” anatomy of AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF
Y’S connecltions in making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was My Name SIGNature on MY ART

Greys Anatomy connected to NG, Napa Grill and Philip PATek WATCH

Robin Williams as “SY” in ONE HOUR PHOTO = SANDRA OH is going to PRISON FOR LIFE



WATCH and “C” HAIR of Sandy Wang in 1985

“C” HAIR of Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing in Feb 2006

Sandy Wang “C” HAIR in 1985
Sandy Wang “C” HAIR in 2006

meaning of John HANcock and “MANOS” is HAND in Spanish


word “NE GRO” connections and BLACK COLOR S”KIN”

SANDRA OH in “GW” Green and White in Sept 2012

“BOB” is the “NIK” of ROBERT and “A” is for Ass
BAB “O” in Korean means RETARD and RHIMES with L”ARD”

NICK connections

meaning of BANKS


WATCHES go on WRIST, and RHIMES with CHRIST. Like JEWelry of BRAcelet, connected to MAT MAT MAThemathics of making MONEY, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982. It’s about MY Pictures during 1980’s in CATHOLIC High School, a picture of me with my HAIR in shape of letter “C”. This isn’t the reason why My Portrait Drawing in 2006 has same shape of “C” in My HAIR, but going BACKwards, I wasn’t thinking of this picture of me in High School in 1984 and I didn’t know they’ve been building on my pictures from MY “TEENS” to BE SANDRA OH in Los Angeles. This is WHY since Feb 2006, since I drew my Portrait Drawing, they’ve been building in Los Angeles AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and MY PORTRAIT DRAWING. The REASON why my Priceless Artwork was all STOLEN through ORGANIZED CRIMES in 2009, all connected to SANDRA OH, and Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of Jesus “C” H RIST “CHA”rlie in a SICK RAPING GROUP CONSPIRACY of CATHOLIC THEME Oil Artwork by Pecoraro created to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.


Understand the meaning of “GRU EN” WATCH “GW” company on Melrose avenue, and REEVES PARK childrens playground next to “ROL”ex Building, and the meaning of HANDS with a sign that says “WATCH” me GROW. For ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES to BE SANDRA OH, which is what they’ve been building in Los Angeles for 3 decades, and then MY ADULT LIFE “ROBBED” and “RAPED”, so that EVERYTHING about ME can be this sick DELUSIONAL ACTRESS.

OO CH form of HAND CUFFS go on RISTS, “SIR” RobART Borden High School SANDRA OH who’s been claiming for 3 decades she DREW MY drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME and she is MY IDENTITY. PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” who is a BORDerline Psychotic ACTRESS. JESUS CHRIST isn’t my fucking OIL Artwork, it’s the REASON for 2 DECADES of SLOW SILENT TERROR IN MY LIFE.


PAT “EK” Philips Watches are one of the most expensive watches, and they’ve been around for a long time. But they’ve made it “FIT” because it’s about what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? is it “PAT”RICIA? Sound of “PA TREEEEE SHA”? I think the "value" of this brand name watch went up, connected to what they've been building for 3 decades, through the word PACHYDERM, sound of PAKE DERM, which means thick S"KIN"ned Mam"MAL". It's going to lose it's "value", because what they're "SELLing" are LIES.

It’s about MY Pictures on “TREE” in 2007 at 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, with My “E”lbow and “K”nee is the shape of “V V” or “W upside down is M”.

The meaning of MY PICTURES on the “TREE” in 2007 in TOPANGA, is the reason why they BUILT the new WEST HOLLYWOOD LIBRARY, with “Y” and “TREE” and CEILING “LEAF” theme in 2011.

The above pictures are behind JERR “Y’S” restaurants which are all over Los Angeles, and PATEK Philip watches are also sold at different venues, but this AD is placed here for specific reasons. JERRY’S is next to DOMI”NIKS”, which is next to AL”ARD”yce Furniture business. It’s all about TOM BRIDGES MY IDENTITY, who is a gay male with the SAME LEO Birthday as me, AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, as if “SANDY” is the “NIK” of SAN”DRA” OH going BACKwards, through the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, which is a VERY SERIOUS CRIME, like IDENTITY THEFT and ART THEFT.

It's connected to the word PACHYDERM, which means a thick S"KIN"ned Mam"MAL", like an Elephant, connected to Elephant and Bird wall art mural by Shepard Fairey at the new WH Library Parking structure. Pachyderm, thick S"KIN"ned, as if through the word S"KIN", SANDRA OH is My First name SIGNature of "SANDY" name on MY ARTWORK, MY Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, as if it's the "NIK" of her name. Pachyderm, sound of "PA" KE Derm, What is SANDRA OH's Middle Name, PA "TRI" CIA? PA "TREE" SHA? because they have BUILT for MY Pictures on the "TREE" at Callon Drive Topanga from 2007, AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, through the new WH Library and countless new Businesses especially on Ocean Ave in Santa Monica, since the ROBBERY of over 250 pieces of MY Priceless Watercolor Artwork in 2009.

PAT "EK" Philips Watch, PAChyderm, "E"lbow "K"nee picture of me on the "TREE" in 2007 and my healthy S"KIN".

Just a block ahead is the new “One West Bank”. EL “BOW”, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY of ME ON THE “TREE” and MY PORTRAIT DRAWING, and MY SIGN of LE”O”, connected to MY FEDERALLY REGISTERED TRADEMARK in circle of “O”, because it sounds like her name of Sandra “OH”. A sick pattern that began 3 decades ago connected to MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 HOLDing a Magnifying Glass with Eye in “O” to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, as if she is MY NAME SIGNature on this drawing, and MY SIGN of LEO, through TOM BRIDGES who has the same Birthday as me.

BOW, sound of “BO”, connected to MY Pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume who was “BENSON” DU”BO”IS the “BUTLER” to the GOVERNOR, the REASON why the examining attorney for my Federally Registered Trademark in 2006 was name “BUTLER”, 1 LOOOOOONG FUCKING continuation fo the raping of MY LIFE and MY ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH who’s FATHER worked for the US Federal Gov’t. SANDRA OH has been claiming she DREW this drawing for 3 decades, because she went to a school name SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. They’ve been BUILDING LIES and FRAUD for 3 decades. It’s the GOVERNMENT RAPING MY LIFE FOR THIS SICK DELUSIONAL PSYCHO ACTRESS AND THEY ARE GOING TO PAY DEEEERLY, LIKE SANDRA OH IS GOING TO BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, ESPECIALLY IF HER MIDDLE NAME IS PATRICIA, and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.

See meaning of BAN k below.

Cedars “SIN”AI Hospital is directly across the street, because EVERYTHING leads to this real life HOSPITAL where they’ve been building for 3 decades for my Korean Name of “SIN WON” to be SANDRA OH, and for MY Name “SIGN”ature of “SANDY” on MY ART, to have been done by SANDRA OH. EAR sound of “SIGN” EYE Hospital. This HOSPITAL IS DIRECTLY connected to fake HOSPITAL tv show “GREYS ANATOMY” which was created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” through TOM “BIRD”GES my “GOLD CLOCK”, and meaning of LEO Metal of GOLD, through Pea”COCK” is a BIRD.

Jerr Y’S, connected to Comedian JERRY “SEINFELD” EAR sound of “SIGN” FELD, connected to Constance Pecoraros’ JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rlie, Josh MI”CHA” WOLF, Stand UP Comedian. His LIFE is very closely connected to this real life Hospital CSH, because of the many many JEWS who donate their MONEY, to create meaning as if SANDRA OH was My Identity. Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL ARTWORK, MATHemathics of being Pyous “PI”ous for a piece of the PIE of MY “O”. TOM CRUISE “SIGN”TOLOGY. Connected to MY name “SIGN’ature on MY Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, to have been done by SANDRA “O”, THROUGH the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s OIL ARTWORK of Jesus CHRIST, connected to “LIO n KIN g”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY.

They love their TORAH. ALL JEWISH Synagogues, Congregations, Schools, Churchs, etc, are all connected to creating MEANING AS IF SANDRA OH was My Identity and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. Lots of Jewish females name “RA”CHELs.










WANG “V” in Eyes, MONTGOMERY “YO” in his Eyes Portrait Drawing
“C” and “C” meaning of SANDY WANG’s H”AIR”

YEL “LOW” CAP ri CORN, Conspiracy
“CAP”riCORN the sign of G”OAT” connected to “PAC”hyderm
sher “BOURNE” street name, “BORN” IDENTITY

meaning of BAN ks

“M” ORGAN PATEK Philips watches on GlenDON
IHOP ge “AR YS” ROLex ad in May 2013 specific location for a reason
all eventually leading to RODEO Drive in BH, ge AR “Y’S” selling “ROL”ex Watches and JEWelry

meaning of “ROCK Second Start” and RAINING in Rose Garden of White House, scroll to bottom

understand KRISTian BAK”O”, and “GRAY T shirt AWS” and meaning of RICH”ARD” BACH

get the Pecor”ARROW”S out, and Target the “O” of SANDRA OH who must be LOCKed in “OO” PRISON for Life, “Infinity symbol”

Bank of America. One West Bank. BA and OWB is about “BOB” is the “NIK” name of ROBERT, what’s left? “WA” going BACKwards, what’s missing? “NG”. For meaning of MY Father’s Korean ROYAL name, to have meaning for and BE SANDRA OH. AS IF she is MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ARTWORK, Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981. The REASON why Barack Obama became the PRESIDENT, connected to meaning of MY POWERFUL ARTWORK of a Black male, which is connected to the ONLY BLACK MALE who has meaning in my drawing, MICHAEL JACKSON.

This is WHY “Greys Anatomy” is set in Seattle “WA”shington, connected to JOSH WOLF who used to live in Seattle “WA”shington, connected to WASHINGTON “DC”, CAPitol Hill, the reason why across the street is “CAP”ITAL Grille restaurant. WASHINGTON is about George WASHINGTON on the ONE Dollar Bill, connected to MY Korean Name of WANG SIN WON, which SOUNDS Like WASHINGTON, and the meaning of MY Birthday Numbers are important Repeating Numbers on the ONE Dollar Bill.

GRILLE is about the word “GIRL” connected to Constance Pecoraro’s IMAGINARY Sketches of her “NO Name GIRL” created to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY connected to DENTist Thomas CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me. LEO the LION “KING”. WANG in Korean means “KING” because My father’s family lineage is of real Korean Royalty, a direct lineage of the “GORYEO DYNASTY”, that they’ve been building to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, who was born in “OT TO WA” Can”ADA”.

Why are the letters of “NG” important? See Read and Understand “LIO N KIN G” page. BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO “GREEN” BANK Road CAN”ADA” Conspiracy, connected to SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school on “GREEN BANK” Road in Canada, and has been claiming for 3 decades she is MY Childhood pictures and ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.

It’s YEARS of ABUSE, and “USING” of MY LIFE, then ROBBING EVERYTHING FROM ME, so that EVERYTHING about ME can BE this sick Borderline Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH who, if she isn’t LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, the United States GOVERNMENT is going to be OVER THROWN and or BARACK OBAMA is going to BE IMPEACHED. B”LAC”K S”KIN” NEGRO “GREEN” Conspiracy of Thick S”KIN” Mam”MAL” connected to SICK DISTURBED BLACK SKIN NIGGER SHONDA “LYNN” RHIMES creator tv show “GREYS Anatomy”, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH. MAL is a repeating important syllable that WILL OVERTHROW THIS SICK BROKEN DYSFUCTIONAL GOVERNMENT that has RAPED MY LIFE REPEATEDLY for SICK ACTRESS SANDRA OH. 3 DECADES in the Making. OLD KARMA.

TREE, 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA. PENNY road, next to SYLVANIA Lane, = PENNSYLVANIA Ave of the WHITE HOUSE ADDRESS connected to meaning of “PA”chyderm.

One West Bank. “OW”. It’s “OM” upside down. As if through T “OM” Bridges and T “OM” Cruise, Josh “WO”lf born in YeaR 19”69”, has meaning in MY Registered Trademark of circle of O “OM” Symbols. It’s in the name of LEE “MO”NTG”OM”ERY and it’s MY Registered Trademark of 1 Line Drawing in YELLOW and RED, and if it’s about “YR” YEAR, it must be year 1 of Montgomery and “69” of WANG.

To further confuse Identities, by making the letter Y and O in YELLOW, with “WOL”f name in it backwards, and LEY is the sound of “LEE”. YELLOW, sound of YEL”LO”, rhymes with CIELO which is the “SKY” in Spanish, connected to Pedophile Rapist Daniel LADIN”SKY”, as if MY Second Artwork Collection from 2004-2007, was DONE by SANDRA OH, who thinks the sound of “O” ARTwork done by ME has meaning for her name, as if she is the owner of my Trademark. AS IF she has “THE GIFT” “TG”. See Sandra Oh on George Tonight “GT” in Sept 2012, and why she is GOING TO PRISON FOR LIFE.

It's a YELLOW CONSPIRACY, connected to MY Childhood picture from 1979 in Santa Monica with a DOG on my LAP with "VIRGO" YELLOW SIGN on the Wall. VIRGO Rhymes with "ARGO" which is a CORN "STAR"CH Brand name, connected to CORN is YELLOW and it's about the SIGN of "CAP"riCORN the G"OAT" in creating meaning Going BACKwards in a Ass Conspiracy. In a BLACK and YEL"LOW" S"KIN" CONSPIRACY connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH. Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork is the "Vehicle" to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ARTWORK for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY.

T “Y” RA BANKS, BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO model, Sand “Y” is “RA” and “T” is for TAO DAO DOW JONES in making MONEY, AS IF SAND”RA” OH is My Identity, Artist of MY ARTWORK and name SIGNature, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY Identity in 1980 in my very important childhood picture with a BLACK GIRL. ALL BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO Females are about this PICTURE and supporting SANDRA OH as if she was MY IDENTITY in a BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO “GREEN” CONSPIRACY connection, connected to MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME Black male actor in 1981, the REASON why SANDRA OH went to “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN High School on “131 GREEN BANK” road CAN”ADA”. See MAP and “BANNER” connections.

This is really important.

Look at the childhood picture of me in 1979 YELLOW "VIRGO" SIGN with a Dog on MY "LAP". Then in 1979 in Colorado with a FOOTBALL in shape of () with My "TUNG" sticking out. Then in 1981, I drew my drawing of Black male actor Robert Guillaume and signed my Name SIGNature of "SANDY" with "OO". This is WHERE they got the IDEA of OO is ASS Backwards, connected to MY Name SIGNature with an ASTERISK Key of *, but they CHANGED the meaning of ASS"HOLE" looking symbol of *, to meaning of over "LAP"ping OO creates () which is about PUSSY LIPS. This is WHY Cedars "SIGN Eye" Hospital logo design is "OO" over LAP ping, reason why there is a Art Sculpture that looks like () at the entrance of this Hospital. Connected to JOSH WOLF the "SUC" Stand Up Comedian who makes people "LAF". Over LAP ping LAF fing, the reason why Constance Maria Pecoraro has sketches of her No name girl with FISH POLE "FP" Fuck Pussy, and the reason why she is good friends with MI"CHA" EL "LAP"PERT of Lapperts Ice Cream. You CATHOLICK with "TONGUE", in "MAT"hemathics of making MONEY.

It's any CO"LOR" YEL"LOW" in pictures of me, like Banana is Yel"LOW" in my first birthday picture. Connected to josh Mic"CHA" "WOL"f of "ROL"ex Building, Constance Pecoraro's jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie. CO LOR, CO or KO in Korean means NOS"E", and through this word, they've been creating meaning going BACKwards for Eyes of the SON Jesus Christ is "OO" over LAP ping ASS Form with () is FISH is PUSSY. JO"SH" rhimes with FI"SH". Like BOSTON MARATHON "FinISH Line" Bombing in April 2013.

This is WHY it is extremely important to know what is the NAME and Birthdate/Sign of JACOB WOLF's Biological MOTHER, who is a YELLOW S"KIN"ned THAI Female, and everything about this females IDENTITY is about ROBBING MY Korean Name for SANDRA OH, through JOSH MII"CHA" WOLF, who is Constance Pecoraro's OIL Artwork Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie, the REASON why Sandra OH is "CHRIST"ina Yang on "GREYS Anatomy". OIL goes on CANVAS and "RHIMES" with NAVAS. GRACE NAVAS from my Catholic High School, "GN" connected to Seattle GRACE Mercy West Hospital of GREYS Anatomy, Ficticious TV show, connected to REAL LIFE Hospital with GRACIE Allen street of Cedars SINai Hospital.

My childhood picture of YELLOW "VIRGO" Sign, ARGO is CORN STARch, Cedars SINai Hospital has been building for 3 decades for MY IDENTITY, My Korean name of SIN WON to be SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork from 1981 and 1982. This is why there is a Jewish "STAR", connected to Josh Wolf who has a SON name JA"COB" Wolf. CORN on the COB, is Yellow, connected to MAThemathics of making MONEY through CORNER BUSINESSES at Street Intersections.

It's about MY "YO"Semite Pictures in 1998 trip. These pictures from 1998 are important because it's connected to ROYAL GORGE BRIDGE pictures during this same trip in 1998, which is connected to ROBBING MY FATHER'S KOREAN "ROYAL" NAME, for JOSH WOLF, AIR LIBRA Sign with symbol of JUSTICE SCALES, connected to LAWS COURT and JUDGES NAMES.

SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY in ALL MY PICTURES SINCE BIRTH, through a lying sociopathic DENTIST name TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me. These pictures from "YO"semite in 1998 are important because I sent them to an "Astrologer" name Terry Kravitz in NYC, telling her that I have no doubt that the "MAN of MY DREAMS" will show up for me. SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY with MY first boyfriend of 5.5 years with Stephen Garrison from the 1980's and they BUILT IT. SANDRA OH wants to ROB the "Man of My Dreams", AS IF SHE WAS MY IDENTITY, like as if the Man of MY Dreams, won't know the difference between me and her.

It's WHY MY LIFE was RAPED in 2009, MY ART ROBBED with MY CAR and My DOG, and since then, EVERYTHING they've been building is about creating MEANING through Names, Words, Businesses, CODES, Numbers, Colors, etc, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY with MY DOG, ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and MY IDENTITY. SANDRA OH who wants to be FUCKED and LICKED by JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF, who I met at a dog park in 2008, the REASON for the HORRIFIC FUCKING RAPING OF MY LIFE in 2009. I'm still waiting for JOSH WOLF to FUCK LICK SANDRA OH and ASSSTERISK her to MERRY CHRISTmas MARRY HIM, REASON for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE. SANDRA OH is a DEEPLY DISTURBED SICK BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS and the sick "Business" people who support this sick bitch, are on the same Brain Wave length as this sick PAT"HO"LOGICAL LI"AR". JOSH WOLF is going to "FOLLOW" his Perfect SOL D"ARI" MATE to LIFE IN PRISON.

JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF "AIR" LIBRA, is the fucking NIGHT M"AIR" of MY LIFE, long before I ever met this Sociopath Hor Dick in 2008, who's been Constance MA"RIA" Pecoraro's "Partner in Crime" for many years, her sick Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie's Find "OO". These two have been Licking Fucking each other through WORDS, Numbers, Lookalikes, Names, Colors, Codes, etc for MATHemathics of making MONEY, AS IF they had meaning in MY Parents Names for more than 2 Decades.


It's THREE DECADES in the making, that they've been building for SANDRA OH to BE MY IDENTITY in LOS ANGELES, AS IF she is the ARTiST of MY ARTWORK, AS IF she is MY IDENTITY and everything and anything "Sexual" about me. This is WHY MY LIFE has been Sabotaged through WHITE COLLAR C"RIMES" since having moved to Los Angeles in October 2006. It actually began in Mill Valley in 2005 with GORDON MacDONald the Land"LORD", who robbed my rent and deposit money.

This is why in January 2013, they added a NEW ART SCULPTURE on San Vicente Blvd, with a Metal "Coil Filament" ART, with ( ) shape. Synchronized with SANDRA OH and her RED "SLIT" Pussy Lip Dress in 2012 with "ART and SCIENCES" sign behind her.

Sandra OH isn't MY IDENTITY, she isn't Artist of MY Artwork, and she isn't My Portrait Drawing. Sandra Oh isn't "Y" of My Name SIGNature, and she isn't the ARTIST of MY CIRCULAR ARTWORK of "O", because it's SOUNDS like her name of "OH", a sick Pattern that's been going on for 3 decades. SANDRA OH is a PAT"HO"LOGICAL LI"AR" a BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS, who is going to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.


It’s about making MONEY, in the name of MONtgomerY, what’s missing? “E”ye “Y O”, Portrait Drawing done by SANDY WANG, that SANDRA OH is claiming she DREW like my drawings from 1981. Like as if Lee Montgomery won’t know the difference between My Identity and this sick Delusional PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.

EVERYTHING they’ve been building since the RAPING OF MY LIFE and the ROBBERY of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK Second Artwork Collection with over 250 pieces in 2009, is about creating meaning through WORDS, Names, COLORS, NUMBERS, CODES, etc, for WANG MONTGOMERY Portrait Drawings to BE JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH in MATHemathics of making MONEY.

It actually began long before 2009, it’s why I was FRAMED and SET UP in April 2009. It’s goes back 3 DECADES to MY childhood picture in 1980 with a Black girl of me in White and Red shirt with number “14”. This is a very important picture, that they’ve been building for 3 decades to BE SANDRA OH, like all my childhood pictures, especially the pictures from 1979 in SANTA MONICA, Los Angeles. The childhood picture of me in White and Red in number “14” is about ASTROLOGY VIBE NUMBERS, and they’ve been building for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA “OH”, Cancer Sign with JOSH WOLF Libra Sign “410” VIBE. When it’s WANG LEO and MONTGOMERY SCORPIO VIBE NUMBERS.

It isn’t just major Corporations and Businesses, it’s the ENTIRE PLANET of “EARTH” in shape of “O”, that they’ve been building for 3 decades as if Sandra OH was My Identity and Artist of MY “ARTWORK” with “O” Circles form 1981 and 1982. IT’S THE SOLAR SYSTEM with Planets in “O O O O O O O O”


Constance Maria Pecoraro going to PRISON is a GIVEN.

Josh Mich”CHA” WOLF is going to “FOL LOW” Sandra “PATRICIA?” OH into LIFE IN PRISON.

Nov 2013 this is inside BANK of AMERICA across the street from CEDARS SINAI Hospital, EAR sound of SIGN EYE Hospital
as if SANDRA “OH” is My Name SIGNature on MY ART, drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 and My Portrait Drawing in 2006
HOSPI”TAL” connections and CAP I “TAL” and CAP I “TOL” connections of TAO DAO Dow of “DAVID” Jones of making MONEY

meaning of LIO n KIN g “NG” with NEGRO “EARL” JONES
KEITH and “HILL”Dale street, and meaning of MY SSN “68” missing digits
it’s the ROBBING of MY IDENTITY through “NUMBERS” in MATH MATHemathics of making MONEY


Map………..”ED”……..SY “Roll”………..RA…………
T”OM” Cruise MAP “O” t her, Sand”RA” “OH” is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, connected to “ROL”ex building Josh Mic”CHA” Wolf in GROUP CONSPiRACY
MAP “O” T is for TAO DAO “DOW” Jones of making Money
in HER SHE “YS” choCHAcolate Ass Pussy Game
AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, MY Name SIGNature on MY Art, and OWNER of MY Federally Registered Trade”MARQ” in circle of “O”

SANDY and “ED” with “Flags from Around the WORLD” in “O”, in 1992 Club Med “GO”
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in “O” in 2007

Sandra Oh in “OG” thinks she is MY IDENTITY in 1992 with “ED” and MY Childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979
CONNIE and T “ED”s remember “T” is for TAO, and it’s the LEFT LETTER
SANTA MONICA “LEFT” most city on OCEAN Avenue

--- Where is this BANK of AMERICA?
DeLONG “PRAY” at HOORAY and HENRYS in 2013 The “TOP HAT” connections of above

What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEEEEEE” SHA?

scroll down to bottom pictures, BARACK OBAMA UMBRELLA with HAND BE”LOW” the EL”BOW” and “BOW” One West Bank connections

BAN ks

JERRY’S has Closed in 2013.



jerr YS has closed but Hooray Henr YS has opened next door in 2013

I wrote about the “One West Bank” OWB and how it’s INFRINGING on MY ARTWORK and IDENTITY. How PATEK Philips WATCH and ROLex WATCH, which are sold at GeARY’S, is not only INFRINGING on MY ART and IDENTITY, but it’s about ROBBING MY PICTURES for SANDRA OH, a sick raping pattern that’s been going on for 3 decades, that they’ve been building for all my baby and childhood pictures to be SANDRA OH, which has continued through MY ADULTHOOD. REASON for HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART in 2009, through ORGANIZED C”RIMES”.

A week after, Barack Obama was in the news, with a specific PHOTO of his Hand beLOW the EL”BOW”. For MY Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, a derivative of Tibetan OM sym”BOL” to be about EAR sound of “BOW”el as in “ASS Conspiracy”. It’s about ROBBING MY ART and IDENTITY, Picture of ME on the “TREE” in 2007, TO BE SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST of MY Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, the SOUND of her name.

Then another week after, JERRY’S Famous Deli CLOSED. Jerry’s started by Isaac STARKMAN and Jerry SEIDMAN with original opening in Studio City in 1978 and they GREW and became who they are, connected to “JERRY” SEINFELD, the Comedian, connected to meaning of MY Name “SIGN”ature on MY Pencil Drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1981. SEINFELD, sound of “SIGN FELD”, like Cedars “SIN”ai sound is Cedars “SIGN EYE”. Jerr Y’S, who jumped on the boat for SANDRA OH is My First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” Going BACKwards, next to Mac Y’S, Domi”NICKS”, connected to Gre”Y’S” Anatomy tv show, created to ROB MY IDENTITY, MY SIGN of LEO, MY Name “SIGN”ature on MY ART, for SANDRA OH. “STAR”, built in Left to Right, RATS backwards.

The meaning of MY John HANcock from my pencil drawing of Black male actor ROBERT Guillaume in 1981, to be SANDRA OH, in a Ass Conspiracy of THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” is L”ARD”, for San”DRA” OH’s Plastic Ass Implant BAGS, disguised to be “OIL” when it isn’t even fucking human tissue. Meaning of MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter “S” of my name, is WHY Sandra OH got Ass Implants.

Jesus CHRIST isn’t my Artwork, “CHRIST”ina Yang isn’t my acting tv role, OIL and WATER don’t mix, like PSYCHOBITCHES PECORARO and OH and I don’t mix. It’s about FORM “O” and “OO”, the SOUND of SANDRA “OH” Name, who thinks all the CIRCULAR FORM of “O” from MY LIFE, MY PICTURES and MY ART has meaning for her, DONE BY HER. FORM OF HANDCUFFS go on RISTS.


CENT, sound of SCENT, as in “ODOR” in “AIR”
a “CP” COPPER Penny is a CENT a “COIN”
EER sound of words, what is SANDRA OH’s middle name? PAT “REEEE” SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON

Dominicks and new BANKS on this Corner since 2011

meaning of Sandra OH Yel”LOW” SHOes and DARI BE”LOW”it the ASSterisK, snake S”KIN” BELT
Sandra Oh as CH “RIS” tina Yang on ‘Greys Anatomy” HOSPITAL SHOW

Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital, see “THE ODOR CUMMINGS” Name on building
SHA This corner is the New CSH Building entrance on SVB “SHA”
PAT Mark “TAP” er Imaging Center at CSH across from new building

en“DOW”ed ch”AIR”, GIFT SHOP busy creating “Conspiracy of TWO” still in 2013, Would you want to be treated at this Hospital?

COPPER PENNY is a ‘CENT’ and meaning of Carl JUNG
reason why “MAC” YS is next to “CAP”iTAL Grille next to CSH on this corner

what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA?

cedars “SIN”ai Hospital, “DAVID” saperstein critical care building

“CL” PECK, Constance Ma”RIA” Pecoraro born in “SEP”tember for “SEP”ulveda Blvd
“AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF in “Group Conspiracy”
JOSH WOLF and SIN CL”AIR” connections
BARACK OBAMAS Fraud Birth Certificate and Delivery DOCTOR “DAVID “SIN” CL AIR

“AIR” connections

CL “Circle of Life” is “O”, Tom BIRDges his Gay LEO with “LIO” n KIN g” and “OIL” Art by Constance Pecoraro


Sandy Wang’s Korean Name of “SIN WON”

connection to George WASHINGTON

See “MENTAL COIL” of when OO over “LAP”s it creates () is FISH is PUSSY.

San VI “CENT”e Blvd, 3AR sound of SCENT as in “ODOR” is CUMMING name on CSH building.

CENT is a Copper Penny “CP” as in a “COIN” CONSTANCE PECORARO, connected to COPPER MENTAL of “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF

COPPER PENNY “CP” is COIN for Constance Pecoraro with “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf Mental of COPPER

COPPER Metal Coil in movie “HUNGER GAMES” October 2013 “Lightening Conductor”

COPPER Metal Coil REAL LIFE “Lightening Conductor”

Everything points to this Hospital, CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL in West Hollywood. Did you get the “MORSEY” Conference Center at CSH, connected to MU”BARACK” HO “SNI” in Egypt.

These NAMES “FIT” PERFECTLY with Delivery DOCTOR name of DAVID “SIN” CL “AIR” on BARACK OBAMA’S FRAUD Birth Certificate. The doctor did exist, he was a real doctor who did deliver babies, but he didn’t deliver Barack Obama in Honolulu Hawaii on “8/4/61”. His name was Handpicked, to ROB MY Korean Name of “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH, connected to ROBBING of MY Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO through meaning of “BLOW AIR in CL “ARI” NET” connections.

This is where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH was MY Korean Name of “SIN” WON, the reason is connected to MY ART and My American Name SIGNature as in my “John Hancock” on MY pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, “SANDY” with “OO” in my signature made with letter ‘S’ of my name signed Sideways. As if Sandra OH “Drew” this drawing and is My Identity.

SEA “DARS” “SIGN EYE” HOSPITAL, for my John Hancock, name SIGNature to be SANDRA OH, through EYES of Jesus CHRIST “OO”, OIL painting by Constance Pecoraro, reason why Sandra Oh is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. REASON for YEARS of HORROR and TERROR IN MY LIFE, connected to Countless people who’s livlihoods are in the BUSINESS of MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” and EVERYTHING in Between, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

When you enter this Hospital from San VICENTE Blvd, you see “FASHION GUILD INDUSTRIES” SIGN on “GRACIE Allen” Way. This is DIRECTLY connected to SANDRA OH who thinks she is My Identity in 1985 pictures with my Catholic School classmate name GRACE NAVAS. Everything surrounding and on this street of SAN VICENTE Blvd has been built as if SANDRA OH is MY Identity attending MY Catholic School ST. VINCENT FERRER in NYC, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Art. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy West “GRACE NAVAS”.

This contradicts what they built on ROBERT “SON” Blvd which is the other entrance into this Hospital complex, as if SANDRA OH Drew my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, as if she is My Name SIGNature on my Drawing, through her SCHOOL name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School in Canada, connected to Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’ Oil painting of Pecoraro, reason why she is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. ROBERT “SON” Blvd.

This is a monster Discrepancy, because how can Sandra Oh who is only 2 years younger than me, have attended two different high schools, in two different countries, at around the same time in mid 1980’s. Sandra Oh isn’t only a PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR”, she is a BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS who’s lies are all finally catching up with her. 3 DECADES of LIES.

Sandra Oh isn’t My Identity, she isn’t the Artist of my Artwork, she isn’t My Portrait Drawing, she isn’t any of my baby pictures, my childhood pictures, adult pictures, she isn’t my name SIGNature on MY ART, she isn’t MY SIGN of LEO, she isn’t My Wet Vagina, etc, she is a DISTURBED SICK GAY BITCH ACTRESS who is a CRIMINAL and a IDENTITY THIEF, who MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. Constance Pecoraro MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON with JOSH WOLF, everyone else must be punished accordingly.

If this doesn’t happen, I WILL IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA. He actually can and should go to Jail for FRAUDULENCE of IDENTITY as in his Hawaiian Birth Certificate, and using a Fraud Social Security Number, both are connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY “ART” for SANDRA OH in MATHemathics of making MONEY.

T”AO” DAO “DOW” of DAVID JONES in MATHemathics of making MONEY, connected to Delivery “DOCTOR” name DAVID SIN CL “AIR”, connected to this REAL LIFE HOSPITAL, where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if Sandra Oh was MY IDENTITY and my Korean name of ‘SIN” Won, is DIRECTLY connected to TV Show “GREYS Anatomy” HOSPITAL SHOW, in CATHOLIC MATHemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra Oh was My Identity, through CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART of CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO, Psycho Con Artist Fraud.

Understand this, for all “AIR” CH”AIR” H”AiR” ST”AIR” meaning from MY LIFE to be SANDRA OH, “THROUGH” “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF connected to GLORIA LEE “AIR” GEMINI, for all circles of “O” from MY LIFE and MY ART, to be and have meaning for SANDRA “OH” because it sounds like her name, while they “CONSPIRE” for “CONSPIRACY of TWO”, to HANDCUFF ME, so that MY JOHN HANCOCK ON MY ART DONE BY MY HANDS, is UNSPEAKABLE EVIL.

There are no regrets and no sorrys. You don’t ROB and RAPE someone’s LIFE, and think “SORRY” is going to make it all go away. Money can’t bring back YEARS stolen from me, “FIGHTING” THIS SICKNESS, that they’ve been “FORCING” me to play for YEARS, forcing me to PLAY the RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART GAME.

Sandy Wang

Sandy Wang’s Leadership LP “173” Training in 1997 and CARD with HEART

Sandy Wang Cross Country TRIP in 1998, "YO"semite

Sandy Wang's SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS beginning with "078" connections

this is across the street from Cedars "SIN" AI HOSpital because my KOREAN name is "SIN" WON

"CAP"riCORN sign of G"OAT" Rhimes with B"OAT" Going BACKwards

"PAC"hyderm meaning across from "PAC"ific DeSIGN Center

meaning of the “NG” in the word “LIO N KIN G”

meaning of S"KIN" word on "CAP" of Josh Wolf

"ARGO" Rhimes with "VIRGO" with BEN AFFLECK who is a LEO

ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges the LEO who has the same birthday as me “bridges”


Through Connie Pecoraro on Bridgeway and her OIL Artwork

of Mother Mary and Jesus CHRIST Catholic Church Theme

Santa Monica “HEART” Foundation

EVERYTHING has been built through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST CATHOLIC Theme

Josh Miccha WOLF aka Jesus CHRIST Horney Hor Dick

Josh Miccha WOLF loves Willie JULIO MUSIC and DOTS

meaning of DOT, PERIOD


3AR sound of Words and sound of MUSIC

the COURTYARD and meaning of MY PARTS of BOAT connected to My Father’s name

for SANDRA OH disturbed actress and see meaning of ROP”E”

Dr “CRIST”ina Yang on “gre Y’S anatomy”

created by CHICAgo ILLINOIS Raping Robbing Nigger SHONDA LYNN RHIMES

Cedars SINai Hospital is bordered by Mac “Y’S” jerr “Y’S”, and DomiNICKS on Beverly Blvd

8/13 Repeating Numbers

NICK connections BLACK S”KIN” CAP

meaning of “PAC”hyderm and “SKIN”

NICK is inevitably connected to RICH”ARD” BACH, sound of BACK, in HO”BAK” in Korean is Pum”KIN” a type of a Gou”ARD” and RHIMES with L”ARD” as in OIL

if “OO” is ASS, then the “DARI” is BELOIT the ASS

Sandra OH and Snake “SKIN” BELT O IT

Fraud Documents

meaning of TOM BRIDGES “HAT” Style and “BANKS” which is UN HANG in Korean with Sandra OH Psycho Actress

BANK meaning and connections

One West Bank "401" Santa Monica on Fourth Street

“Y”O for SANDRA OH “SO” is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ART through WEST”KNOLL” X r”OS”ewood

Sandra OH in “GW” Green and White in Sept 2012

new “WG” “OS”, Water Grill Opening this Summer on OCEAN Ave

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